Nautilus General Utility Scripts versionID ionID Arial Arial funcs DoubleClick buttonDoubleClick keyDown buttonDoubleClick keyDown buttonDoubleClick buttonDoubleClick keyDown buttonDoubleClick sysinfo(resources) sysInfo(memory) sysInfo(screen) windowsDir() pathName() homeTBK() timeStamp() linkWinFunctions() linkTBKFunctions() linkMMFunctions playClick() buttonup buttonup homeTBK homeTBK meTBK homeTBK reset homeTBK buttonup buttonup playClick clickSnd playClick clickSnd reset clickSND buttonUp buttonUp edit script buttonUp buttonUp sysHwnd sHwnd sysWindowHandle: sysHwnd 99080ndowHandle: buttonUp buttonUp sysHwnd sHwnd version #::ndle: version enterPage enterPage sysHwnd version versionID enterPage sysHwnd version versionID clearBuffer setDEVELOP devStr setLocks writeDevFile devMsg resetLocks errorMessage setStyle postIdleCmd linkMenuFunctions RemoveMenuItemsByPosition ufferSize openBook readBuffer INISectionList pathName blankEntry ncdINI INIEntryList INIEntryStr fileName INIEntryInt ncdDir INIEntry fileNameNoExt writeINI stdfile selectDir isFile winINI fileExt isBook removeFont isNum timeStamp setPath uniqueDOSName setDrive n_ReadFile botRight startupINI botLeft topRight enabled topLeft sysInfo lSide tbkMCIchk rSide tSide homeTBK bSide tbkBitmapChk windowsDir xPixel yPixel setupBuffer xUnit yUnit bufferPointer width height startupDir btnDn bufferSize objDn tSide topLeft bSide topRight lSide rSide width enabled height to this page idleList postIdleCmd idleList cmdParams isFile FileExists fName startupDir ncdDir startupINI ncdINI ncdINI NAUTCD.INI ncdDir ncdINI STARTUP nautilusDir INIEntryStr nautilusDir removeFont RemoveFontResource RemoveFontResource ncdFont tbkMCIchk tbkMCI #errorMessage tbkmmErrorString notif tbkBitmapChk tbkBitmap #errorMessage tbkBmpErrorstring setLocks lockValues resetLocks false,false,false,false lockValues openBook pageName bookName pathName fileSpec fileName fileSpec fileNameNoExt fileName fileExt setPath pathName setDrive setCurrentDirectory setPath: fileSpec setDrive setCurrentDrive setDrive: fileSpec enabled button 0,0,0 0,50,0 myEnabled value enabled myEnabled btnName sysInfo GetFreeSystemResources GetSystemMetrics GetFreeSpace Resources GetFreeSystemResources GetFreeSystemResources GetFreeSystemResources Memory GetFreeSpace Screen GetSystemMetrics GetSystemMetrics VScroll GetSystemMetrics isNum GetSystemMetrics KERNEL sysInfo homeTBK GetModuleFileName GetModuleHandle GetModuleUsage TBOOK ToolBook GetModuleHandle setupBuffer bufferPointer GetModuleFileName readBuffer clearBuffer GetModuleUsage TBOOK.EXE hModule KERNEL homeTBK windowsDir GetWindowsDirectory setupBuffer getSysInfo: bufferPointer bufferSize GetWindowsDirectory getSysInfo: readBuffer clearBuffer bufferSize KERNEL winDir setupBuffer clearBuffer GlobalAlloc Unable to allocate global memory GlobalLock Unable to lock global memory clearBuffer lpMem szMem bufferType bufferSize bufferPointer lpMem bufferSize szMem readBuffer lpMem szMem bufferSize clearBuffer GlobalUnlock GlobalFree lpMem szMem INISectionList eofCheck sections iniFile blankEntry not found INIEntryList setupBuffer bufferPointer bufferSize blankEntry GetProfileList blankEntry clearBuffer entry currOffset bufSize bufPtr entryList section iniFile INIEntryStr INIEntry entryName sectionName iniFile INIEntryInt INIEntry isNum entryName sectionName iniFile INIEntry setupBuffer blankEntry bufferPointer bufferSize GetProfileString readBuffer clearBuffer blankEntry bufferSize entryName sectionName iniFile writeINI WritePrivateProfileString entryValue entryName sectionName iniFile setDEVELOP DEVELOP whichWay devStr DEVELOP writeDevFile DEVELOP devMsg DEVELOP errorMessage stdfile Select a file NautilusCD openDlg prefix selectDir Select any file in destination directory... stdFile pathName winINI windowsDir WIN.INI isBook bookName isNum timeStamp mm/dd/yy 9/1/90 seconds seconds uniqueDOSName timeStamp fileExists UniqueDOSName error: fName pathSpec n_ReadFile fName botRight botLeft topRight topLeft topRight tSide rSide topLeft tSide lSide lSide rSide tSide bSide lSide rSide tSide bSide xPixel xPixelsFromUnits yPixel yPixelsFromUnits xUnit xUnitsFromPixels yUnit yUnitsFromPixels xUnit yUnit xUnit yUnit value xPixel yPixel xPixel yPixel width xUnit value width yPixel height yUnit value height yPixel setStyle GetWindowLong hiword SetWindowLong loWord hiWord style pValue linkMenuFunctions GetSystemMenu GetMenu GetSubMenu EnableMenuItem RemoveMenu RemoveMenuItemsByPosition linkMenuFunctions GetSystemMenu GetMenu GetSubMenu menuitemPosList EnableMenuItem RemoveMenu RemRet EnaRet MenuItemPos hMainMenu hMenu MenuItemPosList MenuPos btnDn playClick item2 item1 objDn playClick